tri-Grace Ministries


Proclaiming the Gospel.  

Defending the trustworthiness of the Bible.

Serving those impacted by Mormonism

A brief history of Tri-Grace Ministries…

Tri-Grace Ministries was founded in the spring of 2004 in the small college town of Ephraim, Utah. Through the moving of God’s Spirit and much prayer, this ministry was launched when God touched the hearts of 110 donors to raise over $210,000 in a 45-day time period to purchase the beautiful Tri-Grace Ministries facility. Chip and Jamie Thompson, founders and Directors of TGM, have been biblical Christian missionaries to the people of Utah since 1992. After planting and pastoring Ephraim Church of the Bible for 13 years, God moved in their hearts to start TGM and expand their evangelistic efforts in Utah. Today in the rural county of Sanpete, with a predominant LDS population and against all odds, there exists a thriving Christian presence that continues to bring Mormon people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Ephraim Church of the Bible, Tri-Grace Ministries, the Solid Rock Cafe and the TGM-InterVarsity Chapter at Snow College stand as monuments to the grace of God.

Over time, the impact of TGM in the community has grown, and so has the workload. Since 2004, the TGM organization has grown from just Chip and Jamie to a handful of full-time staff members. Still, Sanpete County is ripe for harvest, roles remain to be filled and work remains to be done.